Gospel Partners of First Free
We Are Sent
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” –Jesus
Through more than 30 of our gospel partners people are experiencing the undeniable presence of Jesus—from right here in Lincoln to the far corners of the world.
Across all these frontiers people are encountering Jesus in tangible ways as both their physical and spiritual needs are being met.
Thank you for being the body of Christ wherever God has planted you. Together, we are sent. Together God is using us to make the presence of Jesus undeniable and unignorable in our lives, relationships, city and world.
Global Partners

Mexico Outreach
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Brazil Outreach
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Jim and Kathy Carlson
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Global Assist
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1 Page a Day
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Steve and Liz Spellman
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Local Partners

Royal Family Kids
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People's City Mission
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City Impact
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Phil and Jan Foster
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Good News Global
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Christian Heritage
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Mexico Outreach
Our Mexico Outreach is an ongoing partnership between First Free Church and several ministries in Ensenada Mexico which has flourished since 1989. Iglesia Getsemani and Jehovah Samma is a small, evangelistic church and Bible school led by Pastor Carlos Montoya in the heart of Ensenada, Mexico. Life Bridge Ministries operates Puenta de Vida elementary & middle school and Rancho el Refugio—a Christian camp and home to our short-term teams.
For over 25 years, First Free Church has been sending summer teams in support of all that God is doing in and through Iglesia Getsemani.

Brazil Outreach
Our Brazil Outreach is an ongoing partnership between First Free Church and a joint ministry effort in Recife, Brazil between GlobalFingerprints, a program of EFCA ReachGlobal, and Paulista Church, an Evangelical Free Church of Brazil. The GlobalFingerprints Program at Paulista Church is seeking to transform the lives of children and their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ through a robust program of child sponsorship. First and foremost, each GlobalFingerprints child is discipled to have a vital relationship with God, a strong character, and a biblical worldview. Our second goal is to empower children to experience and create healthy lives and relationships. Thirdly, children in our program are encouraged to love others as they have been loved by God by positively impacting their church and community.

Jim and Kathy Carlson
Vision: Our goal is to glorify God by helping to multiply transformational churches among all people.
Currently we are accomplishing this by helping team members settle in their new ministries, and by encouraging international church pastors and members through visits and itinerant preaching. And we are working at recruiting new workers for the harvest (Luke 10:2).

Global Assist
Vision: Making disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
Propelling the work of disciple making through global native-led ministry partners.
Tagline: Healthy Partnerships Propelling Global Movements
Pray: There is a growing disciple making church planting movement amongst many of the unreached people groups in the world. All of our partners are asking for God to mobilize the youth to continue the movement so that the church can see the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
We always ask for God’s protection, provision and a spirit of boldness for all of our Global Ministry Partners, for their church planters, for their families. Almost all of our partners are working in areas where persecution of Christians is a real challenge, yet in the most dangerous of areas the Church is growing. Please always pray for these things as the spiritual warfare is very real.

1 Page a Day
Vision: To multiply disciples within the Rehab Centers in Baja, CA, Mexico
Mission: Proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel
Making disciples
Transforming Lives through the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Word
Reviving Hope and Restoring Relationships
Pray: For wisdom, leading of the Holy Spirit and protection for our teachers and staff who are discipling addicts on a weekly basis.
Pray for many to be set free eternally as well as set free physically from addictions.

Steve and Liz Spellman
Vision: To develop, empower and release committed Christian leaders and churches in their quest to live God’s mission in the context where they are (with reproducing impact).
Pray: For Gospel Transformation (in multiple forms) in lieu of the massive flooding in Porto Alegre. Incredible new opportunities along with incredible new challenges.

Trinity Video Seminary
Vision: To teach the truth of God’s word to the most people using the best available teachers and methods.
Pray: For the protection of our global translators and staff who are in areas where spreading the gospel is prohibited.

Rachel Dority
Vision: Tyndale Theological Seminary stands as a witness for Christ in multicultural Europe, equipping leaders to reach Europe and the world with the gospel.
Pray: For wisdom and clarity in teaching students, preparing them for greater understanding and success in their Biblical and theological studies.
For the women students that I mentor to consistently grow deeper in their heart relationships with Christ.
For spiritual protection and health for me as well.

Andrew and Rebecca Goode
Vision: To reach all unreached people groups and see Jesus’ command to make disciples among all people groups fulfilled.
Pray: Pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
Pray that the local Church would seek to be a part of living out God’s vision wherever they are.
Pray for our workers in the world- that they would be encouraged and strengthened by Him.

Fernando and Janaina Basso
Vision: The Coworker Project aims to bring Glory to God, through Jesus Christ, in the redemption of the Bara People and other peoples in partnership with the local Malagasy church.
Pray: For the ministry and all that God is doing there among the Bara. May God raise local workers and bless those who are already working alongside us.
For our Family: home school and the challenges that the mission field bring as our children grow; prayers support; financial support.

Mark and Jin Rood
Vision: To see a vital movement of the Gospel, fueled by prevailing prayer, flowing freely through relational networks and out into the nations. Workers for the Kingdom are next door to everywhere!
We provide development for emerging ministry leaders in the US and (with Jin) emerging indigenous leaders for the Asia Pacific region including over 15 countries. (Jin) providing soul care and healing care for missionaries overseas (including Japan).
Pray: Please pray for our funding needs and safety for our travels.

Lucas and Lizi Gomes
Vision: To plant churches in one of the most gospel-needy areas in all of Latin America. Rio Grande do Sul presents a challenge in terms of church planting. Everything we do is permeated by the Mission of God, which logically drives us to have a missional lifestyle, generate disciples, and start biblical, simple, and transformative groups and churches.
Pray: For the heart of our family, that we may remain steadfast and motivated in the service of the Lord, that He may multiply our joys and strengths in the journey.

Royal Family Kids
Vision: Making positive memories for children of abuse, abandonment and or neglect. We want the gospel of Jesus to be made known, to be connected to the love and good times they experience at Royal Family Kids camp and mentoring program.
Pray: We pray for open hearts to the gospel in each child.
We pray for volunteers with a heart to minister to the least of these.
We pray for the finances and guidance of the Holy Spirit to oversee all the parts that must come together to minister for 5 days of summer camp to these very special children.
We pray for mentors to step forward to commit to a year of mentoring one on one with a camper.

People’s City Mission
Vision: To be a witness for Christ among the poor and homeless, serve their needs, and advocate their cause to the community at large.
Pray:That the day-to-day needs continue to be met, since we are 97% public funded and do not take government support. (On a 20-million-dollar budget, it takes a lot of faith and innovation!)
For the new shelter building project.

City Impact
Vision: Through a Christ-centered biblical worldview, City Impact empowers and equips kids and families to rise above vulnerable circumstances, radically transforming into who God created them to be.

Phil and Jan Foster
Vision: For people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed.
Mission: Serve with the global body of Christ to advance
Bible translation and work together so people can encounter God through His Word.
Pray: For daily wisdom and accuracy as we help members deal with the changes that relate to their finances.

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
Vision: We are disrupting the cycle of darkness and despair for all who are behind bars and beyond. It’s the power of the Gospel that produces change, brings redemption, and allows everyone to find their purpose in Christ.

Christian Heritage
Vision: To see every child flourish in the face of adversity and trauma. Our mission is to change the future of child welfare in Nebraska by mobilizing a Gospel-centered community to support vulnerable children and families.
Pray: That God would continue to stir the heart of his people to serve and support vulnerable children and families in direct and tangible ways.
That the families we serve would see the love and hope Jesus offers through their relationships with his people.

Youth For Christ
Vision: YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.

Timberlake Ranch Camp
Vision: We are committed to crafting unique, nature-based experiences that share the hope of the Gospel and inspire imagination. We believe in the power of Christ-centered summer camp programming, where every child can feel safe and accepted as they build relationships and grow in their faith.

Kathy Hatfield
Vision: To know Christ, to make Him known and help others do the same. 2 Timothy 2:2
Pray: That I would closely follow the Spirit of God and hold fast to His Word as I listen for the Lord’s whispers directing me in life and ministry. (John 16:13)
That I would radiate the love of Christ and the hope He brings for this world and the world to come. (Psalm 34:4-5)

EFCA + Midwest District
National Vision: We exist to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
Midwest Vision: Multiplying disciplemaking congregations among all people, our team delights in serving Midwest District churches in discovering and pursuing their unique calling and to be better together.

Matt Kohrell
Vision: To share Christ among the many cultures in Lincoln and also abroad, through friendship, teaching English, and more.
Pray: For more contacts and opportunities to share Jesus
For God to raise up more people to reach the diverse cultures in Lincoln
For provision for me
For good health and energy

Steve Janovec
Vision: Filling Lincoln, Nebraska, and Sudan with reproducing friends of Jesus who start and lead multiplying CARE Groups and churches.
Our two primary targets are: 1) With local churches, we catalyze, train, and empower missional teams to make reproducing friends of Jesus who start and lead multiplying CARE Groups in Lincoln and Nebraska.
2) Our overseas work emphasizes resources, encouraging and training national partners in reproducing disciple making and multiplying churches among the unreached and unengaged in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan.
Pray: For more contacts and opportunities to share Jesus
For God to raise up more people to reach the diverse cultures in Lincoln
For provision for me
For good health and energy